Friday, May 29, 2009

A Little Confidence....

Recently a friend with whom I often argue religion and philosophy told me he was sick of hearing about what I DON'T believe--all the Christianity I've discarded, all the myths I've de-bunked...He wanted to know what I actually do believe, if anything...

He asked what governs my actions, informs my decisions and spurs me to action? What keeps me from giving into temptations that are detrimental to the life I want?

Well, I don't believe in much--it's too much of a burden on my decision-making process to believe too much these days, I want to keep it light. But I do know I have taken a couple leaps of faith in the past year or two, so I decided I should answer that question, if just for myself.

It took a bit of work to figure it out but I was able to follow my thoughts and nail down a couple of things...

I can't even relate how good it felt to see I do have my own faith. I've done the work to find it and I know it's my own. For the first time in a long time I'm not totally frustrated not knowing how things work.

I think I do know how life least for me, and it feels amazing...

Take it with a grain of salt might only work for me.

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