Friday, January 16, 2009

Pacific Standard Time

It's where I belong really, the west coast. I've lived in every US time zone and in one crazy Asian one, but, when it comes down to it, I sleep best in PST.

Just got home from a trip west two days ago, but have only slept a couple hours since. Slept like a baby while out there, though only there a few days.

Yes I can adjust to wherever I am. Yes I can live anywhere.

But maybe I'm tied to a place more than I think. Not only do I speak the language and feel the vibe, maybe I actually relax more when I'm truly home. Maybe I exhale and really rest.

This east coast thing is fun, but I have a feeling I may breathe a big sigh of relief when I head west this summer...not unlike the last two times I lived out here. Maybe the east coast knows I'm just a visitor and will never fully embrace it....

Maybe it's holding it against me.

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