Monday, November 17, 2008


I can keep the weight off, I can color my hair (although, haven't had to yet), I can keep up-to-date with trends and accept all kinds of new ideas. I can keep learning and get smarter, better, wiser, stronger and more flexible, but....I can't seem to keep my lifelong partner, Elasticity, from running out on me. He sneaks out and then lies about it--like I'm not going to catch on.

Where is he going? No one said he could leave....none of us get to just leave....we have to stick it out to the end....I suspect he's running off with someone younger who is easier to live with--fat in the cheeks, plenty of sub-cu and all of that.

You know what E? Go ahead, I can hack it, I'll be fine, I have other friends. But, odds are she's going to get tubby you know--you won't be happy when you have to carry all THAT around someday....

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